Why Should I Check an Employee’s Credentials?

By some estimates, over 50 million people in the U.S. alone enter the labor force or change jobs every year. In virtually all of these cases the candidate submits an application and/or a resume which details their qualifications or credentials for employment.One study...

Atlanta Background Check Services

Most experienced managers know the feeling. You’re growing an organization and need to find quality people. So you put the word out and get inundated with potential candidates. You try to do your homework, reading resumes, conducting interviews and even talking...

Customized Employment Reference Checks

An Employment Reference Check can be a crucial component of an effective employment screening process. PeopleCheck’s customized employment reference checks will allow you to access important information about an applicant’s past without taking time from...

Georgia Tenant Screening

Georgia Tenant screening is the best way to protect the property you’ve worked so hard to purchase and provide for others to rent. Finding the right tenant can be tough. How do you know if they’ve destroyed previous property or been evicted for lack of...

Criminal History Record Check

A criminal history record check is more important in this day and age than it ever has been before. We are constantly reminded by the media daily what type of criminals are out there, and the last thing you want is for one to end up in your company and have no...